Never far from the coast, I live with a supportive husband, two creative kids, two dogs, and an ever-changing garden. When I’m not creating art, I enjoy spending time with my family, writing, knitting, reading, and tending to my garden. I also dabble in macro-photography.
Creation starts with a jolt of inspiration from somewhere, and nature often offers that to me. I take immense inspiration from nature for my work. I love the intricacies and the challenges it brings when replicating it. The delicate details fascinate me. Infinite designs can be found amongst the crashing waves of the ocean, patterns on seashells, plant life, and marine animals. There is inspiration all around.
It’s my job to figure out the colors and brush strokes to convey the message, whether it’s one of appreciating the details given or a deeper one where a knowledge of symbology comes into play. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the message is whatever is in their heart.
I live a creative life. I want to be known for that and for loving my family. In a world full of uncertainty, we need those who keep pouring beauty and creativity into it. I hope to inspire others to be creative, to enjoy nature, and to find peace within themselves.